Fibrafeed lignocellulose is a crude fibre source for animal production that is hygienically impeccable and 100% free of mycotoxins. It is ideal for the production of healthy and controlled feed for many types of livestock, such as pigs, poultry, rabbits, dogs and cats.
Fibrafeed lignocellulose is specifically recommended as a dietary supplement for gestating and lactating sows, as well as for weaning piglets. In ad libitum feeding of pregnant sows, Fibrafeed lignocellulose prolongs the feeling of satiety …
Fibrafeed has an extremely high content of quality crude fibres for the production of dry or wet feed for cats and dogs, combining nutritional and functional properties for the general well-being of pets.
Dietary fibre is an important element for the correct nutrition and general health of poultry.
However, a distinction should be made between the two main fibre types …
Via Peraria 12/A
33050 Percoto (UD)
Tel 0432 676420
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